Friday, December 7, 2012

My New Song

I know I've written poems before,but this is the first time I have written down a song and here it goes:

                                   I'm Not Alone

I was alone,not one place to call my home,inside a dark laaaand. I was alone people passing by,no one caring about me no one loving me at aallll. I was alone all by my self  no one with meee,But now my feelings rrise........because Christ is with meeee, Now I'm not alone 2x I'm not alone I have a home.I now have great friends, I'm gonna tell you why.......Christ is with meeeeeeeeeee .He has blessed me with his blessings from above.

This song is not about me. I am not alone, but when I look at the streets of Thailand, I see people who think they are alone.But when they turn to Jesus they will  know they are not alone.